2023: A Year of Seedlings
The end of the year, like the end of all seasons, brings an opportunity for rest and reflection.
For me, this year has been light on the rest part but heavy on the reflecting. And as usual, as I think back on the year’s great ups and downs, I think about you and I am grateful.
Twenty twenty-three has been a year of seedlings.
From exciting collaborations and creative opportunities, to a brand new dance community, mentorship program, and creative business, plus cross-country travel, and an (as yet unposted) short film, seeds planted in 2022 have been sprouting and I so deeply appreciate your support along the way.
Here are some highlights…
Our Hudson Valley Salsa classes have been an exercise in community-building and growth as instructors. This winter, we hosted our first student performance class and it was a testament to the power of dance to facilitate joy and connection.
This was also the year I launched the Movement for Liberation dance mentorship program and realized how powerful it can be to give and receive holistic support in the dance scene. I’m in constant awe of the dancers I work with (those pictured below and those missing from the picture!)
...which caused me to think about other ways of facilitating intentional and liberatory creative environments, and ultimately to create a line of dance journals and to streamline this blog/newsletter that you’re reading right now.
So, what’s coming in 2024?
Community, collaboration, intentionality — yes, thank you, more please.
In 2024 keep an eye out for more dance and performance opportunities, more collab classes, new swag, MVMT4Liberation 2.0 with remote options, more of me writing about whatever tf I want 2024 (generally, ceative paths to more liberated futures and specifically, a free Palestine), + my next secret creative project.
See y’all there.